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The chaotic musings of an NYC twenty-something organized in the only way that will ensure that she makes David Letterman proud.

Monday, April 25, 2016

The Key to Success is Wishing You Could Do It All Over Again

I can't believe I'm writing this, but I'm currently in the middle of my last week of classes as an undergraduate student at Fordham.  Even though graduation is still a few weeks away, it seems like the ceremony is just a formality--this is really the end of college as I know it.  I started my freshman year at Fordham as a quiet and shy 17-year-old who had never had a real job before, but was sure of what she eventually would want to do with her life.  As I finish up my last couple of final papers, I'm much more outgoing (but still shy if I'm being completely honest) and basically completely unsure of what I eventually want to do with my life.   Even though that scares me a little bit, I have this feeling that somehow everything will work out and I will end up wherever I'm supposed to be.  This time of year obviously has me feeling pretty nostalgic, so here's what I would tell my freshman year-self if I could...

Orrrrrr don't.  That would probably make you more calm actually.
1. Don't Create Your Dreams Based on What Makes You Seem the Most Successful: Success doesn't equal going to law school, medical school, or business school.  Work on becoming the best at what you love to do, not what people in your life would love for you to do.  Everyone else will get over you not following their expectations for you, but you will never get over not making yourself happy with your career.  Listen to what Mom says for once and remember that "If you love what you're doing, you'll never work a day in your life."

All those Latin classes and you still don't know what these words mean?
2. You're Not as Smart as You Think: Just because you were good at Spanish in high school DOES NOT mean that you should take Latin first semester of freshman year.  Sometimes, it's best to just stick with what you know.  And research classes before signing up for them.  Latin is very hard and no amount of office hours will help you get above a C.  Just stop.  Everyone from home who thinks you're a genius because your schedule consists of computer science, "faith and critical reasoning," Latin, Composition, and political science will be far less impressed when they see your G.P.A.

You should have studied on Eddie's more too.
3. You're Smarter (and Stronger) Than You Think: Just because you got a C on your first exam in college and can't seem to get the hang of Latin doesn't mean you're an idiot.  You got accepted to college for a reason, and that reason was not so that everyone could watch you fail and then make fun of you for it.  Use the resources available to you and don't have too much pride.  Eventually, you'll find yourself getting A's again, you just have to learn how to write all over again.  And even though it's cliché, you really are stronger than you think too. 

4. Go to the Gym and Take Care of Your Body: Napping for 4 hours every day may seem therapeutic and healthy, but that's actually a sign that something's very wrong with your body.  Eat some veggies and hit the gym once in a while.  Losing weight before college doesn't mean that you can literally just sit on your butt for the next four years.  It won't make you feel good, and it definitely won't make you look good. 

Nope, it doesn't!
5. Just Because You're Legally an "Adult" Now Doesn't Mean That Everyone will Suddenly Stop Acting Childish: Having friends is great, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't mean that they're going to be your friends forever.  And that's okay.  Stay as removed from the drama as possible and remember that people don't always act the same way they do when you first meet as they do when you've known them for a year.  Take some time to learn about people, and don't forget about those friends that you only see once or twice a semester, because they can end up being your very best friends of all.  Always remember those who are there for you when nobody else seems to be.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

An Intern-al Investigation

When I was in high school and in the process of deciding which college to go to, I was absolutely positive that I was destined to be a lawyer when I got older.  I grew up hearing my parents tell me I would be an excellent attorney due to my loves of reading and writing, as well as my even stronger passion for arguing and debating.   I chose to go to Fordham largely because of it's excellent Pre-Law program and the reputation that came with being a Fordham graduate.  I found a roommate to live with during my Freshman year that had the same aspirations as I did, and I basically saw myself as the next Elle Woods (except less glamorous). 
Obviously, my plans changed.  I quickly learned that becoming a lawyer was going to be much more difficult than I imagined, and that unemployment after law school was most likely going to be my reality.  I decided to create a much more stable future for myself by becoming a Communications major and pursuing a career in the entertainment industry.  Yes, you read that right.
Even though becoming a successful lawyer would have made me substantially more wealthy than my current path will probably make me, working in television has given me internship opportunities that make nearly everyone I know jealous.  I might be living with my parents until I'm middle-aged, but my internships have given me some pretty nice non-monetary perks.  This semester, I'm interning at WABC-7 in the Operations and Production departments.  I absolutely love my internship, so here are the aspects that make me kind of okay with waking up at 5am.

This happened on my first day of work.  Those are grasshopper tacos.
1. Weekly Visits to "Live with Kelly and Michael": Every Tuesday, I have the privilege of going down to the Live! with Kelly and Michael studio to watch the show, and if I'm lucky, I get asked to help run errands and make sure the guests have everything they need.  For example, last week I was asked to find a bottle of Coca Cola for one of the guest's makeup artists.  It was 7:30am.  I love getting to hang around there though.  Even though asking guests for pictures or autographs is completely out of the question, I'll never forget getting to be in the same breathing space with celebs like Ryan Reynolds, Cameron Diaz, Anderson Cooper, and Chrissy Tiegan.  It's always the best part of my Tuesday.

Ryan Reynolds had us swooning. 
2. My Coworkers: For some reason, our intern program is completely filled with Fordham students.  That means I get to work with a lot of people I already knew from classes, but now I've had the chance to really get to know them and become friends.  It's also helpful that I can quietly freak out with those people when we see a celebrity and not be judged for it.

This special aired last night and was the first one that I watched live. 

3. Seeing My Name In Television Credits: Even though nobody (including myself) pays any attention to television credits, I got surprisingly excited/emotional the first time I saw my name scroll down a TV screen.  Plus, my family thinks it's cool.  They also think that it's airing nationally (even though only people in the tri-state area can see it) but that's okay.

Queen Lupita
4. Production Assistance: One of my favorite days at ABC was when one of my Producers came into my office and said "Hey, can you be ready in 10 minutes to go on an interview with me?  We have to film with Lupita Nyong'o" and I basically lost my mind.  My job at that shoot was to take pictures (while not distracting Lupita) and make sure we didn't go over our designated time limit.  Getting to go on amazing shoots like that make any of the "boring" intern tasks I have to do all worth it.

Yes, this man is my boss.
5. My Supervisors: It's always nerve-wracking to start a new job or internship and try to please your bosses, especially when you're working in an industry where there are 1000 other people that would jump at the chance to take your place if you ever mess up.  However, my bosses at ABC couldn't be any more friendly and welcoming.  They also make it a point to sit me down once in a while and teach me about the industry, which is something that not too many supervisors have time to do.  They're also just really funny people, which I appreciate.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Apples to App(les)

A lot of people like to define Millennials by our obsessions with technology.  According to our generational stereotype, we are never able to completely "unplug" because we are constantly on our computers, iPads, tablets, iPods, and iPhones, and sometimes we use all of those things at once.  I would argue that this isn't a "Millennial" phenomenon.  It's a 2016 phenomenon.  I, for one, pride myself in not bringing my phone to the table at family dinners unless there's an emergency, and I know many people my age who try to do the same.  On the other hand, my middle-aged family members are the ones who seem to never be able to get off the phone and just live in the moment (or whatever we're supposed to be doing at those dinners).  However, I will admit that I have fallen victim to many of the viral iPhone apps (I'm looking at you, "Tiny Wings") that I play during my internship commute.  Here are a few of the apps that had me hooked for an extended period of time.

1. Two Dots: "Two Dots" is my one of my current go-to games and I've noticed that there's an underground obsessed following of Two Dots players that doesn't talk about the game unless they just happen to see someone playing.  Then they go crazy.  I actually have a friend who will leave her apartment late to go to social events just because she's finishing out her five lives on the game.  I started playing it last year when I was in Italy (the game doesn't require an internet connection, which is super helpful) and finished the game.  Since then, they've added hundreds of more levels, which reignited my love for the app. 

2. Temple Run: Okay, so I'm pretty sure that we all had at least a brief love affair with the insanity that is Temple Run.  The greatest (and most addicting) part about it is that there aren't any "life" limits, so you can literally sit and play the games for hours without realizing any time has passed.  There's also really catchy (and really annoying) background music for the game that gets stuck in your head.  My only issue with Temple Run is that it makes me very stressed because there aren't any breaks!  The Temple Run era was not a very zen time in my life.

3. Family Feud: I'm not sure if this app is also on iPhones, but I've been playing it on my Kindle Fire since I got the thing.  The only flaw with the app is that it doesn't come with Steve Harvey.  That being said, I never get bored playing, and I really like that it keeps my mind active.  At this point, who doesn't love family feud?!?

4. 94%:  This is another app that has current presence on my phone.  It's kind of like Family Feud, but without the three strikes rule, which is great.  I also like that the app's developers are constantly adding new levels to the game, so you're never really finished playing.  Again, it's great if you don't have any other obligations in life that involve looking up from your phone screen.

5. Candy Crush: How could I make a list involving addicting apps without talking about Candy Crush?!?  At this point, I've deleted the app because I couldn't pass any of the levels anymore, but somehow my middle-aged family members continue to send me requests for the app on Facebook.  I really need that to stop.  Regardless, the Candy Crush era was great because it brought a solo-app to social media.  I totally judged people based on how many times they sent me lives vs. how many times they asked me for lives.  And today, EVERYONE on the subway plays Candy Crush.  They just don't talk about it anymore.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Sweet, Sweet Chocolate: I Always (a.k.a. Never) Hated It

A few months ago, I was watching a television show with my Mom that was talking about parenting techniques, and the topic of having "rules" for people who babysit your children came up.  As someone who grew up with two parents who had full-time jobs, I spent a lot of my time as a child at my Grandparent's houses instead of being sent to a local day care center or a paid babysitter.  I asked my Mom if she ever told my Grandparents what they could or couldn't feed me, tell me, etc., and wondered if she ever felt awkward doing that.  She said that the only thing she asked of my Grandparents is that they try to avoid feeding me chocolate, because she was afraid I might like it too much.  Much to her disappointment, my Grandmother eventually became exhausted by my insanely picky eating habits and began using chocolate as a way to nourish me during my formative years.  At this point, I can't blame her or anyone else for my obsession with anything, and I mean ANYTHING chocolate-flavored.  I've given the subject a lot of thought, and I can't remember a single day in my life when I haven't eaten some form of chocolate.  Throughout the years, I've tried sweets from all over the world, and as I've entered my twenties, I can say I've confidently reached a point where I can identify the best ones I've had and can recommend to other chocolate fanatics.

1. Cadbury Flake Bars: As an Irish-American, Cadbury is probably the Irish phenomenon that I'm most proud of when it comes to my heritage.  They make the BEST chocolate ever.  Flake bars are very hard to find in the United States unless your family makes you go to Irish music festivals during the summer (I work at one every year).  During those festivals, I usually spend all of the money I earned working on my yearly supply of Flake bars. 

2. Cadbury Mini Eggs: Cadbury gets two mentions on my list because like I said, they're the best.  Luckily, due to the recent Easter holiday, Cadbury Mini-Eggs are currently on sale for 50% off at most grocery stores, in case you were wondering (but you have to get them before they go out of season).  Mini Eggs, in my mind, are just a better, more European version of M&M's.  The only downside to these is that I could legitimately eat a family-sized bag in one sitting, which isn't so great for my health.
3. Peanut Butter M&M's: Just so nobody thinks I was hating on M&M's before, I had to add their peanut butter version to my list.  As someone who enjoys just a little bit of peanut butter, these are the best way to feed a craving without feeling like you've eaten an entire jar of Skippy.  They're the perfect combination between original M&M's and peanut M&M's (which are really gross in my opinion).

4. Ferrero Rocher: I don't know what it is about Ferreros that makes people (myself included) feel as if they have to eat the entire container at once.  The only people that have an excuse for not trying (and immediately loving) them are those who have a nut allergy.  Please do not eat these if you have a nut allergy.  They're great, but not that great.

5. Hershey Nuggets: I couldn't just end this post without giving an honorable mention to Mr. Hershey himself, could I?  The best part about this chocolate is that you don't have to eat an entire Hershey bar to feel like you've satisfied a craving for just chocolate with nothing else interfering.  They're a nice way to indulge without feeling like you've ruined your diet afterwards.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

90's Madness: 4 Shows I loved as a kid that taught me more than I thought a cartoon ever could (Guest Post by Maddy Sulla)

We all know the 90s and early 2000s were a great time for television. Okay, maybe that’s debatable, but there’s definitely no
arguing that 90s and early 2000s kid shows, especially cartoons, totally killed the game. Here are my top 4 amazing and informative cartoons.

 1.     Hey Arnold!
“Move it football head!” and, “stoop kid’s afraid to leave his stoop!” are just two quotes that, when asked, every 90s kid could immediately identify as being from Hey Arnold!, possibly one of, if not the, most awesome and cartoon of our time. Some may say there was far too much bullying going on in this show, but honestly, it’s probably one of the most accurate depictions of growing up in New York City (I didn’t grow up in the city, but I’ve read a lot about the show), and despite this, and the constant jokes, I always came away from every episode with a new lesson. I think that might be what was so great about this show; it used humor to teach us lessons we didn’t even know we needed to learn – although some of the humor was just for the adult’s sake, like this quote I didn’t understand until I was much older.

Then, though, there were the episodes like the one with Big Patty and Rhonda, where two enemies learn to appreciate one another for who they are and even find they have some things in common. I’m telling ya, no matter what that show will always be one of the best!

2.     Rugrats
Ahhhh, Rugrats – the second you heard the familiar sound of its theme song, you knew you were in for twenty-five minutes of pure entertainment. The anticipation of what the babies would get themselves into this time, or what Angelica would do to ruin their fun, would nearly kill you! This show taught me a lot about friendship; I mean, come on, Tommy and Chuckie were like the ultimate bros! Tommy spent most of his time trying to help Chuckie overcome his ridiculous fears – now that is a true friend!

3.     The Wild Thornberrys
 I mean, what kid wouldn’t love a show about a family who follows around wild animals in exotic places and always seems to get themselves into some sort of bizarre situation in every episode? Throw in the fact that Eliza can talk to the animals, Darwin has a cheeky British accent despite being a Chimpanzee, and Donnie is, well, Donnie. On the real though, this show taught me a lot about nature, like, way more than I ever realized. Like, the episode “Forget Me Not,” where the family searches for Rebecca, an elephant that Nigel had saved twenty years ago. Not only did that episode make me sob like an infant, but it also taught me that elephants have excellent memories – coincidence that elephants are now my favorite animals? I think not! OH! And let’s not forget the time they made the Rugrats Go Wild movie – pure gold!

4.     Rocket Power
My dad and I still to this day do the Rocket Power handshake (you know the one). It’s almost like a right of passage for every 90s kid who watched the show. Let’s face it, these kids were total bad asses who sometimes got into trouble (and Reymundo was definitely a bit of a stoner looking back), but in the end, they always did the right thing and learned something valuable – and who didn’t love the wise words of Uncle Tito? This show also taught me a lot about friendship and how important it is to stick by those who stick by you. Reggie, Otto, Twister and Squid were basically my OTP friend group, and I totally aspired to be as badass as Reggie! 

Friday, March 18, 2016

Total Eclipse of (The Virgin Mary's?) Heart

During my semester abroad in Rome, I learned more during the span of four months than I have during most of my college career.  I experienced the history of many European countries, Renaissance art, the culture of the Roman Catholic church, and what it's like to travel internationally on a budget.  I also was able to observe that despite the relatively close proximity between most European nations (especially those in the West) there are major differences between each country's cultures and ways of life.  However, there was one interesting phenomenon that I noticed in nearly every city I went to, which was the presence of religious relics.  I've always found the idea and history of Christian relics really interesting.  The fact that people sometimes travel thousands of miles just to see a tooth or bone that was allegedly from the body of a Saint or other religious figure despite the fact that there is a known historical record of people faking these relics in order to sell them and make money off of them.  But I had already decided that I would have no shame in being an obviously-American tourist during my time abroad, and I took pictures of EVERYTHING.  Here are the most interesting relics I encountered throughout Europe (but mostly in Italy).

1. The Arrow of St. Sebastian: I was able to take a study trip during one of my weekends in Rome, which involved visiting the Roman catacombs.  The section that we went to was dedicated to Saint Sebastian, and at the end of our tour, we were taken to a the church at the site of the catacombs, and this was the sculpture that is used to display the alleged arrow that pierced St. Sebastian.  You may be wondering, "Hey! Where is St. Sebastian actually buried though?" and my answer is: yepp. Under that marble sculpture.  Allegedly.

2. The Footprints of Jesus: So this was also at the catacombs of St. Sebastian.  These are supposed to be Jesus' actual footprints.  If you look closely, the toes look like rectangles.  The footprints don't even look human, but people come from all over the world to pray to and worship these footprints, so I had to at least take a picture of them.  They're the only footprints I know that people worship, and the chances of them being real are... slim.
3. Saint Jerome: Saint Jerome's body is located in St. Peter's, along with the bodies of many other religious figures (mostly popes).  The first time I saw one of the glass tombs like this, I got really freaked out, but I ended up going to St. Peter's so much that it became a normal sight for me.  The fact that people came and prayed to an actual dead body was absolutely fascinating to me.

 4. Reliquary Arm: When my Grandma came to visit me during my semester abroad, we decided to go to Florence for the day and sight see.  We ended up in the church of Santa Maria de Novella, where there's a huge museum filled with relics of all kinds.  This is a reliquary arm bone, but I was unable to find who the bone supposedly belonged to.  You can see the bone if you look inside the clear oval in the arm.

 5. Reliquary Teeth: This was another one of the relics on display in Florence, and once again, I'm not sure which saint it belongs to.  I was just really creeped out by fact that they displayed the relics on a bust of the saint, and also that they used her dress to display the reliquary teeth and organs.  It doesn't get too much creepier than that tbh.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Why I've Had To Turn Into "That Girl"

My Grandma has always been fascinated with identifying the "roles" that each of our relatives bring to our family.  My Grandpa is the wise, quiet listener, my Aunt Jackie is everyone's biggest cheerleader, and my Mom is the one who's way too generous and would do anything for us.  Up until very recently, I was known as "the lazy one."  From early childhood, I would fall asleep in any location, taking naps every day that were three or four hours long, on top of sleeping ten to twelve hours a night.  Despite the amount of Z's I got, I constantly felt sick and tired, leaving me with barely any energy to go the gym or do other activities that a normal woman my age does with no trouble.  On top of that, I felt like I couldn't eat anything without feeling sick afterwards. I was told by doctors that it was just stress, or that if I exercised more, I would feel better (oh?).  After the first half of Senior year ended, I decided that enough was enough.  I switched doctors, and made it clear to my new physician that there was definitely something wrong with me.  Several blood tests and about a week later, I got a call at my internship from a nurse that yes, it "looked like" I had tested positive for Celiac disease, I was Vitamin D-deficient, needed to start taking Omega-3, and did I have any questions.  I had a million, so of course I answered "No, thanks for letting me know! Have a great day!" and hung up.

While shedding some tears in my cubicle and munching on one of those giant cookies they give you at diners, I went on Google and looked up what I was no longer allowed to eat.  Big mistake.  I learned that eating any wheat, barley, malt, or rye products not only made me feel sick and tired, but had the potential to give me tons of fun health problems later in life, including anemia, early onset osteoporosis, infertility, nervous system disorders, GI cancers, seizures, migraines, dementia, diabetes, you name it, it could probably happen to me.  To be honest, I was more upset about the fact that pasta was no longer a thing I could do anymore. 

It has been 57 days since I was diagnosed (but who's counting) and I have to say, I feel 10,000% better.  I now exercise every day and feel well-rested after sleeping for 8 hours like a normal human. I'll admit, I've cheated and eaten some gluten-ous products, but I'm learning how much better I feel when I avoid them at all cost.  As someone who's been a picky eater for my entire existence, I was really dreading having to find gluten-free products, and as someone who's also completely socially awkward, I dreaded even more having to be that girl at restaurants that's constantly saying "excuse me, do you have a gluten-free menu?" and "Can you tell me what type of flour you use in this dish?" UGH.  At this point, I have a confident list of the best gluten-free replacement meals and snacks, and even though I don't know why anyone who didn't need to avoid wheat would ever take on that task, some of them are decent snacks even if you can eat all of the bread you want. 

Disclaimer: Nothing.  NOTHING will ever replace my favorite bagels.  Bagels will not be included on this list because I refuse to dishonor them by calling any gluten free bagel "close to the real thing"

1. Annie's Rice Shells and Creamy White Cheddar: It's the only boxed mac n cheese replacement I've had that doesn't taste like feet.  Just add a little extra butter to what the box recommends and it's a great fake mac.

2. Barilla Pasta: It legitimately tastes just like real pasta.  This brand has saved me a lot of tears when I need some fettucini alfredo.  Another bonus is that most restaurants have caught onto the fact that this brand is the best, so a lot of Italian restaurants use it as their go-to GF dish.

3. Any of Conte's Brand Stuffed Pastas: This company makes ravioli, and I have yet to find another edible replacement for it.  Every product I've tried from Conte's has been at least decent.

4. Udi's Double Chocolate Muffins: Sometimes (most days) I just don't have the time or energy to make myself eggs for breakfast, and I really can't stand cereal.  The package says to keep these in the freezer, but I just keep them in the fridge and microwave them as I need them.  They're really good, and somehow not crumbly like most other GF baked goods are.

5. Russo's Pizza Bites: Okay, so when you make these, they don't look like pizza bites.  They're actually more like fried ravioli or something, but they still taste pretty good.  My only complaint is that you have to cook them much longer than the bag says. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Celebrity Skin (And The Times I've Come In Direct Contact With It)

I'm almost embarrassed to admit that one of the main reasons I decided to become a Communications major is the opportunity that comes with it for interacting with famous people.  I'm pretty sure that my entire life can be categorized into obsession periods.  It started with Peter Pan when I was a toddler, then moved on to S Club 7 when I got to elementary school.  Shortly after they (tragically) broke up, the Jonas Brothers began gaining momentum, as did my new love for them.  Obviously, my attraction to Nick Jonas has not ceased, despite the fact that these band members also went their separate ways.  In high school, I personally related to Rachel Berry from "Glee," and so began my entrance into the Glee fandom.  Since the beginning of college, I have learned that there is more to life than one phenomenon after another, so I've shortened my obsessions to shorter love affairs with various shows through Netflix-binging.  But more importantly, I've learned that an extensive knowledge and deep love for the entertainment industry and celebrity culture can actually be turned into a profitable career.  During my time at Fordham, I've met a group of friends that conveniently have the same loves as I do, and we've spent many times shamelessly sleeping on the streets of Manhattan with the hopes of meeting one celebrity or another.  Some of our experiences have been really positive, some have been disappointing, and a few were just unexpected and strange.  Here are some that come to mind.

1. Don McLean: When I was a kid (I'm not even sure what age I was) my Dad somehow came to the conclusion that it was time for me to attend my first concert.  To this day, I have no idea why he decided that my first concert needed to be Don McLean, but it was.  I went to the show only knowing one of his songs (American Pie) and it was such an old person concert that I ended up falling asleep in my seat until he sang "American Pie" which was of course his last song.  Anyway, the venue was so small that afterwards, he came to the lobby of the hall to sign people's CD's and posters.  My Dad decided that instead of having an album signed, he would make me pose with Don McLean so he could get a picture of us.  We still have the picture, and my Dad still has the same beard.
Please ignore my gross hairstyle and the sweatshirt (I was convinced it fit me perfectly)

2. Nick Jonas: I've actually met Nick twice (which shows the intensity of my love for him) but the second time was the best.  In October 2013, the JoBros announced that they would be cancelling their upcoming comeback tour, and a few days later, mysteriously declared that they would be going their separate ways--but WAIT.  They were doing one last appearance at Good Morning America in order to explain their decision.  This obviously meant that I needed to go to GMA myself and personally say goodbye to the boys and their band.  This encounter made me swoon because not only did I get to meet Nick, Joe, and Kevin, but I also HUGGED Nick and took selfies with each of the brothers.  Approximately 48 minutes of crying followed.  #RIPJoBros
Any real Jonas fan will know that the fact that Nick is ALMOST smiling in this picture is a real gem.  Nick Jonas never smiles.

3. Lea Michele: During my "Glee" phase, I somehow had the stamina to sleep on the street outside of a store during a snowstorm so that I could secure my entrance into a Lea Michele album signing the next day.  I only got to speak to her for about 5 seconds, but she was just as perfect as you could imagine.  She profusely thanked everyone for coming to see her and buy the album, and was very apologetic when her security tried to move me along. I've met her a few times since then, but we're basically just like old friends now. Not really. But I wish.
I'm still bitter that I didn't get an actual picture with her. (Also this is from a different signing but oh well)

I think you can tell in this picture that I'm freaking out inside

 4. Demi Lovato: Aside from having one of the best voices of my generation (in my opinion) I have worshiped Demi since she was in "Camp Rock"back in 2008 (?) and I've seen her in all of her tours since then.  I love that she's all about positivity and staying happy and healthy, so when (once again) the opportunity came about to camp outside of Good Morning America and meet her, of course I took advantage of that.  She was much quieter than I had been expecting, but she was still super nice to me and my friends.  We ended up being in the front row of her performance on the show later that morning, and she laughed at us when we were crying during a completely non-cry-worthy song.  So what I took away from that experience was that Demi Lovato thinks I'm funny.

That's Cole and I, just taking a picture like old friends...Whatever
5. Cole Sprouse: The thing about meeting Cole Sprouse (aka former child star from "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody") was that the encounter was so completely random, I'll never forget it.  During my sophomore year at Fordham, I needed to take a class on Physical Anthropology in order to fulfill my science requirements.  I am terrible at science, but luckily my roommate at the time (who was an anthropology major and a genius) took the class with me and helped me study.  Our professor encouraged the class to take advantage of an extra credit opportunity (um, YES) by going to a lecture on human development at the Natural History Museum.  She added that yes, there would be an open bar at the event, and that we should dress formally.  So, me and my roommate made our way to the museum and sat in the back of the lecture with finger sandwiches and took notes on the presentation.  When we got up to leave at the end, I saw a familiar-looking man bun a couple of rows in front of me, and soon realized that yes, it was Cole Sprouse.  After some debate, I decided that I just had to ask for a picture with him because
a. Cole Sprouse is no longer in show biz. and
b. I was a big fan back in the Disney days.
We ended up having a pretty normal conversation with the guy.  He was talking about how he was a Junior at NYU and that he was the president of the school's Anthropology club.  He was a little weird and awkward, but at least I still got my (poor quality) picture!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Why'd You Have To Go And Make Things So Underrated?

I'm proud to say that I come from a LONG line of music-obsessed folks.  There's recordings on my iPod of my Grandfather singing "The White Cliffs of Dover" when he was about four years old (he would later join a world-traveling Irish singing group after he retired, and tried to convince our family members to join it until he passed away, no matter how badly we sing) and my Dad has an album collection that takes up more space than all of my possessions combined.  I was encouraged to play the piano beginning before I could read books, started learning the flute and saxophone in elementary school, and even briefly took up the ukulele before I went away to college.  My parents encouraged me even more to listen to as many different artists and types of music that I could.While this meant that growing up, I basically never got to choose what we listened to on the radio, my upbringing has turned me into the ultimate walking, talking Spotify playlist.  I often find myself referencing obscure songs from the 1970s and confusing my peers.  But I've learned to embrace that.  I think now's the time to use my knowledge for good by tossing all of my traditional pop favorites out the window and providing you all with a list of my TOP under-rated, or less-known songs.  Rather than explain why I love each of them, I've just attached YouTube video links to each of them so that you can listen to them (and love them all) yourself!

1. "Run" by P!nk

2. "Fire and Rain" by James Taylor

3. "Tears Dry On Their Own" by Amy Winehouse (RIP Amy)

4. "Don't You Wanna Stay" by Kelly Clarkson and Jason Aldean

5. "Lovely Day" by Bill Withers

6. "Santa Barbara" by Nick Jonas (DO NOT JUDGE ME HE'S TALENTED AND YOU KNOW IT)

7. "See You Again" by Carrie Underwood

8. "One" by U2 featuring Mary J. Blige

9. "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen

10. "How to Love" by Lil' Wayne (bonus points if you've heard Demi Lovato's earth-shattering cover)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Giving My Regards To Broadway

One of my favorite (and most underfunded) loves in life is seeing shows both on and off-Broadway.  Since I was too young to remember, my Christmas presents from my Grandparents were tickets to see shows with my parents, which falsely convinced me by the time I reached adolescence that I, too was talented enough to star in a Broadway show.  Since then, I have learned that my singing abilities are best kept to the confines of my own bedroom, but my passion for seeing shows has yet to disappear despite my college student budget. Without further adieu, here are my top 7  musicals, with a few bonus honorable mentions at the end.

Full Disclosure: This list only includes shows that I've seen performances of.  I am fully aware of how amazing Hamilton is, and if someone is willing to give me a ticket to see it, I'll gladly put it on this list.

1. Wicked: I was lucky enough to be able to see this show during its first year on Broadway when legendary performers like Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth were still performing in the show.  Despite having seen the show over 10 years ago, I still remember how amazed I was by intermission, and shortly after seeing this show, not only did I have the entire soundtrack memorized, but my Mother and I re-did my bedroom to make it Wicked-themed.  My walls and carpet are bright green, and I still have a giant mural of the show's poster painted next to my bed.  I have no bad things to say about this show except that the tickets are too hard to get for me to see it again.  No matter how many shows I see, Wicked has remained my favorite.

2. Spring Awakening: Even though this show is definitely not for children due to its adult themes and strong language, but it does have some beautiful songs and it's a really unique production.  If you're like me and felt like you really need to see the original Broadway cast of the show, (Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff, anybody?) there are some semi-decent recordings of it on YouTube.  If you see the show, you'll understand why my bedroom at home is Wicked-themed rather than Spring Awakening-themed.  Still, this show is amazing and if you're ready to have some feelings, go see it.

3. Finding Neverland: This was the most recent show I've seen, and it definitely deserved all of the Tony Awards that it won last year.  There's nothing that makes me feel less accomplished than seeing a small child having a successful career in show business before hitting puberty, and this show is FULL of those kinds of kids.  They're all brilliant. Seriously.  On top of that, this show (as well as the one below) provide a really interesting (and heartbreaking) backstory to Peter Pan, which was my absolute favorite movie as a child.  You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll leave the theater saying "OHMYGOD that was SO good!"

4. Peter and the Starcatcher: Surprise, this one is another Peter Pan prequel, but it's a play, not a musical.  I'm usually not a fan of plays, so the fact that I loved this show, means that it had to be really good.  It can be another tearjerker if you're a crier like I am, but it's also really clever and has some comedic moments too!  I'd recommend anyone see it if they had a chance (a.k.a. if it comes back to the stage).

6. Rent: So, everyone probably knows this show's most popular song "Seasons of Love," but not as many are aware of this musicals other amazing songs, such as "La Vie Boheme," "Out Tonight," and "Finale B."  The show tells stories that take place during the AIDS crisis at the end of the 1900s (wow, putting it that way makes it seem like ancient times) and will somehow make you feel every emotion possible, despite it's potentially depressing background topics.  It's definitely worth the watch/listen (if you only have access to the soundtrack)

7. The Last Five Years: I'll admit, I was only able to see this one in movie form, but it was really great.  It has some fantastic songs and has a plot that many people can relate to in some way (falling in and out of love with your "soulmate").  The ending also goes against the stereotypical musical ending, which is pretty interesting, and in my opinion, Anna Kendrick and Jeremy Jordan did the show justice in their 2015 movie version.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Secret to my Random Knowledge

Anyone who knows me well is probably aware of one of my strangest habits: Almost every night before I go to sleep, I lay in bed and I watch at least one documentary.  Not just a movie or a television episode on Netflix, it has to be a documentary.  I tend to watch ones that are either focused on social/cultural aspects of society or health, but I've dabbled in all areas of the genre.  Because of this habit, I've gotten pretty good at figuring out which documentaries are worth watching, so I'm declaring myself a legitimate film critic.  Here's my list of the TOP documentaries I've seen.  Most of them can be viewed on Netflix.  I've attached summaries to each of them because although I'm good at many things, summarizing movies without spoiling anything AND making them still sound interesting is definitely not one of those skills.  All photo and summary credit goes to Rotten Tomatoes.

1. "Tig": An unflinching documentary look at comedian Tig Notaro, who underwent a double mastectomy after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, but has continued to tour rigorously while inspiring a new generation of survivors.

2. "Dear Jack": The West Coast pop-punk quartet Jack's Mannequin experienced a sad and difficult day in 2005, when frontman Andrew McMahon - then only 23 years old - received a diagnosis from his physician that he had contracted cancer. In response, McMahon began shooting a deeply personal, self-reflexive video diary of the days in between that initial diagnosis (which coincided with the first Jack's Mannequin album, Everything in Transit) and the onset of his treatment; that footage appears in this intimate release. The material also interpolates footage from McMahon's childhood in the 1980s and 1990s, and behind-the-scenes material documenting the production of Everything in Transit. Former Mötley Crue drummer Tommy Lee narrates.

3. "Twinsters": This full-length documentary follows Samantha and Anaïs as they meet in person for the very first time. Their unique experiences are documented through a series of video blogs, Skype conversations, and real-time footage. Every intimate moment is captured, from their first meeting, the DNA test results, home visits, to their first visit back to Seoul. The film explores the ideas of family, adoption, nature vs. nurture and the power of social media.

4. "Louis Theroux Most Hated Family In America": Louis struggles to come to terms with the infamous family who pickets the funerals of soldiers in protest against an America that tolerates homosexuality.

5. "Mondays at Racine": Racine Salon de Beaute & Spa is a salon in the Long Island community of Islip, New York owned by two sisters, Rachel Demolfetto and Cynthia Sansone. Like most beauty salons, Racine offers a variety of hair care and make-up services, as well as manicures, pedicures, and facials, but on the first Monday of each month, they open their doors to a special clientele. Rachel and Cynthia lost their mother to cancer, so once a month, women living with cancer are welcome to come to Racine for a day of beauty on the house. For these women, it's not just a chance for some free pampering, but an opportunity to bond with other women with a first-hand understanding of the long, painful journey of cancer treatment, as well as knowing how devastating the treatment can be to one's self image in a culture that puts a high price on appearance. Filmmakers Cynthia Wade and Robin Honan introduce us to some of Racine's regulars as they and their families confront cancer and the rough road of treatment and recovery in the documentary Mondays at Racine. The film was nominated for a 2013 Academy Award for Best Documentary Short Subject.

6. "Beyonce: Life Is But a Dream": A look at the life and music of singer Beyonce Knowles.


7. "The End": One of the most powerfully intimate films ever made about the final stages of life, The End is a profound and moving chronicle of five hospice patients whose stories are in turns honest, humorous, and heartbreaking.

8. "Citizenfour": In January 2013, Poitras (recipient of the 2012 MacArthur Genius Fellowship and co-recipient of the 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service) was several years into making a film about surveillance in the post-9/11 era when she started receiving encrypted e-mails from someone identifying himself as "citizen four," who was ready to blow the whistle on the massive covert surveillance programs run by the NSA and other intelligence agencies. In June 2013, she and Greenwald flew to Hong Kong for the first of many meetings with the man who turned out to be Snowden. She brought her camera with her. The film that resulted from this series of tense encounters is absolutely sui generis in the history of cinema: a 100% real-life thriller unfolding minute by minute before our eyes. Executive Produced by Steven Soderbergh.

9. "Spellbound": Eight kids of wildly disparate ethnic, class, and regional backgrounds are followed from their individual hometowns to Washington D.C. for the National Spelling Bee Finals.


10. "20 Feet From Stardom": Millions know their voices, but no one knows their names. In his compelling new film 20 Feet From Stardom, award-winning director Morgan Neville shines a spotlight on the untold true story of the backup singers behind some of the greatest musical legends of the 21st century. Triumphant and heartbreaking in equal measure, the film is both a tribute to the unsung voices who brought shape and style to popular music and a reflection on the conflicts, sacrifices and rewards of a career spent harmonizing with others. These gifted artists span a range of styles, genres and eras of popular music, but each has a uniquely fascinating and personal story to share of life spent in the shadows of superstardom. Along with rare archival footage and a peerless soundtrack, 20 Feet From Stardom boasts intimate interviews with Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, Mick Jagger and Sting to name just a few. However, these world-famous figures take a backseat to the diverse array of backup singers whose lives and stories take center stage in the film.