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The chaotic musings of an NYC twenty-something organized in the only way that will ensure that she makes David Letterman proud.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Sweet, Sweet Chocolate: I Always (a.k.a. Never) Hated It

A few months ago, I was watching a television show with my Mom that was talking about parenting techniques, and the topic of having "rules" for people who babysit your children came up.  As someone who grew up with two parents who had full-time jobs, I spent a lot of my time as a child at my Grandparent's houses instead of being sent to a local day care center or a paid babysitter.  I asked my Mom if she ever told my Grandparents what they could or couldn't feed me, tell me, etc., and wondered if she ever felt awkward doing that.  She said that the only thing she asked of my Grandparents is that they try to avoid feeding me chocolate, because she was afraid I might like it too much.  Much to her disappointment, my Grandmother eventually became exhausted by my insanely picky eating habits and began using chocolate as a way to nourish me during my formative years.  At this point, I can't blame her or anyone else for my obsession with anything, and I mean ANYTHING chocolate-flavored.  I've given the subject a lot of thought, and I can't remember a single day in my life when I haven't eaten some form of chocolate.  Throughout the years, I've tried sweets from all over the world, and as I've entered my twenties, I can say I've confidently reached a point where I can identify the best ones I've had and can recommend to other chocolate fanatics.

1. Cadbury Flake Bars: As an Irish-American, Cadbury is probably the Irish phenomenon that I'm most proud of when it comes to my heritage.  They make the BEST chocolate ever.  Flake bars are very hard to find in the United States unless your family makes you go to Irish music festivals during the summer (I work at one every year).  During those festivals, I usually spend all of the money I earned working on my yearly supply of Flake bars. 

2. Cadbury Mini Eggs: Cadbury gets two mentions on my list because like I said, they're the best.  Luckily, due to the recent Easter holiday, Cadbury Mini-Eggs are currently on sale for 50% off at most grocery stores, in case you were wondering (but you have to get them before they go out of season).  Mini Eggs, in my mind, are just a better, more European version of M&M's.  The only downside to these is that I could legitimately eat a family-sized bag in one sitting, which isn't so great for my health.
3. Peanut Butter M&M's: Just so nobody thinks I was hating on M&M's before, I had to add their peanut butter version to my list.  As someone who enjoys just a little bit of peanut butter, these are the best way to feed a craving without feeling like you've eaten an entire jar of Skippy.  They're the perfect combination between original M&M's and peanut M&M's (which are really gross in my opinion).

4. Ferrero Rocher: I don't know what it is about Ferreros that makes people (myself included) feel as if they have to eat the entire container at once.  The only people that have an excuse for not trying (and immediately loving) them are those who have a nut allergy.  Please do not eat these if you have a nut allergy.  They're great, but not that great.

5. Hershey Nuggets: I couldn't just end this post without giving an honorable mention to Mr. Hershey himself, could I?  The best part about this chocolate is that you don't have to eat an entire Hershey bar to feel like you've satisfied a craving for just chocolate with nothing else interfering.  They're a nice way to indulge without feeling like you've ruined your diet afterwards.

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