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The chaotic musings of an NYC twenty-something organized in the only way that will ensure that she makes David Letterman proud.

Monday, April 25, 2016

The Key to Success is Wishing You Could Do It All Over Again

I can't believe I'm writing this, but I'm currently in the middle of my last week of classes as an undergraduate student at Fordham.  Even though graduation is still a few weeks away, it seems like the ceremony is just a formality--this is really the end of college as I know it.  I started my freshman year at Fordham as a quiet and shy 17-year-old who had never had a real job before, but was sure of what she eventually would want to do with her life.  As I finish up my last couple of final papers, I'm much more outgoing (but still shy if I'm being completely honest) and basically completely unsure of what I eventually want to do with my life.   Even though that scares me a little bit, I have this feeling that somehow everything will work out and I will end up wherever I'm supposed to be.  This time of year obviously has me feeling pretty nostalgic, so here's what I would tell my freshman year-self if I could...

Orrrrrr don't.  That would probably make you more calm actually.
1. Don't Create Your Dreams Based on What Makes You Seem the Most Successful: Success doesn't equal going to law school, medical school, or business school.  Work on becoming the best at what you love to do, not what people in your life would love for you to do.  Everyone else will get over you not following their expectations for you, but you will never get over not making yourself happy with your career.  Listen to what Mom says for once and remember that "If you love what you're doing, you'll never work a day in your life."

All those Latin classes and you still don't know what these words mean?
2. You're Not as Smart as You Think: Just because you were good at Spanish in high school DOES NOT mean that you should take Latin first semester of freshman year.  Sometimes, it's best to just stick with what you know.  And research classes before signing up for them.  Latin is very hard and no amount of office hours will help you get above a C.  Just stop.  Everyone from home who thinks you're a genius because your schedule consists of computer science, "faith and critical reasoning," Latin, Composition, and political science will be far less impressed when they see your G.P.A.

You should have studied on Eddie's more too.
3. You're Smarter (and Stronger) Than You Think: Just because you got a C on your first exam in college and can't seem to get the hang of Latin doesn't mean you're an idiot.  You got accepted to college for a reason, and that reason was not so that everyone could watch you fail and then make fun of you for it.  Use the resources available to you and don't have too much pride.  Eventually, you'll find yourself getting A's again, you just have to learn how to write all over again.  And even though it's cliché, you really are stronger than you think too. 

4. Go to the Gym and Take Care of Your Body: Napping for 4 hours every day may seem therapeutic and healthy, but that's actually a sign that something's very wrong with your body.  Eat some veggies and hit the gym once in a while.  Losing weight before college doesn't mean that you can literally just sit on your butt for the next four years.  It won't make you feel good, and it definitely won't make you look good. 

Nope, it doesn't!
5. Just Because You're Legally an "Adult" Now Doesn't Mean That Everyone will Suddenly Stop Acting Childish: Having friends is great, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't mean that they're going to be your friends forever.  And that's okay.  Stay as removed from the drama as possible and remember that people don't always act the same way they do when you first meet as they do when you've known them for a year.  Take some time to learn about people, and don't forget about those friends that you only see once or twice a semester, because they can end up being your very best friends of all.  Always remember those who are there for you when nobody else seems to be.

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